Which Sentence Correctly Use a Subject Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammar rule that dictates that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number. This means that a singular subject must have a singular verb, and a plural subject must have a plural verb. Correct subject-verb agreement is crucial to effective communication, as it helps to convey your message clearly and unambiguously.

Here are some examples of sentences that correctly use subject-verb agreement:

1. The dog barks at the squirrel. (singular subject «dog» paired with singular verb «barks»)

2. The cats meow loudly. (plural subject «cats» paired with plural verb «meow»)

3. The book is on the table. (singular subject «book» paired with singular verb «is»)

4. The cars are in the garage. (plural subject «cars» paired with plural verb «are»)

5. John walks to work every day. (singular subject «John» paired with singular verb «walks»)

6. The students study hard for their exams. (plural subject «students» paired with plural verb «study»)

In these examples, the subject and verb are correctly matched, resulting in grammatically correct and easy-to-understand sentences. However, there are some instances where subject-verb agreement can be more complicated, such as when dealing with collective nouns or indefinite pronouns.

For example, a collective noun like «team» can either take a singular or plural verb, depending on the context of the sentence. If you`re referring to the team as a single unit, you would use a singular verb. However, if you`re referring to the members of the team as individuals, you would use a plural verb.

Similarly, indefinite pronouns like «everyone,» «someone,» and «anyone» can be tricky when it comes to subject-verb agreement. These pronouns are always singular, so they require singular verbs.

For example:

1. Everyone is here. (correct: singular verb «is» paired with singular pronoun «everyone»)

2. Everyone are here. (incorrect: plural verb «are» paired with singular pronoun «everyone»)

Overall, understanding subject-verb agreement is critical for effective communication. By ensuring that your subjects and verbs are correctly matched, you can avoid confusion and communicate your message clearly and accurately.