

Trop tard, vous avez manqué la vente sur ebay. whatcheerrecords tentait de vendre une copie de l’album Ouvè Bariè Ya

«Released in 1991 by the band PHANTOMS were a great NYC-based konpa band that has been cast as a musical prodigy with elements of love & hate and was also a political like a controversial and quasi-mysterious out-of-touch alien kompa COMPAS DIRECT konpa direk KONPA COMPAS compa is an awesome and VERY GROOVY haitian musical genre that goes backto the 1950’s and was first popularized by NEMOURS JEAN-BAPTISET the music has mostly medium-to-fast tempo beats with a unique emphasis on electric guitars and unlike ZOUK the lyrics are mostly in HAITIAN CREOLE and has a faster rhythm and while it has a groove base, it also has LATIN JAZZ elements.»

Le magazine rapporte le retour sur scène du groupe Phantoms en 2006. Plein de photos! Une entrevue avec King Kino publiée en 2006.

En 2007, le groupe Phantoms changeait de nom à Sak Pase. Myspace.

Dansons maintenant sur «Ti Poul La (Sak pasé)» interprété par Phantoms! Vous pourrez ici voir le groupe interpréter «rekonciliasyon tanpri souple».




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