Feds allowing tarsands to become ‘most destructive project on Earth’: report

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Feds allowing tarsands to become ‘most destructive project on Earth’: report

Last Updated: Friday, February 15, 2008 | 4:21 PM MT

The federal government has allowed Alberta’s oilsands to become the « most destructive project on Earth » by failing to impose the required environmental restrictions, an environmental group says in a report released Friday in Ottawa.

« Canada’s progress on global warming is being held hostage by the tarsands, » the Environmental Defence report says, adding that the tarsands are « ground zero » for global warming because of the precedent they set for the rest of Canada.

The Syncrude oilsands plant, 40 kilometres north of Fort McMurray, is one of Alberta's booming oilsands operations.The Syncrude oilsands plant, 40 kilometres north of Fort McMurray, is one of Alberta’s booming oilsands operations.

« Because our federal political leaders refuse to put real caps on greenhouse gasses for the tarsands, they thereby refuse to put real caps for the rest of the industry in Canada. »


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