enjoy Coast Salish Territory

Enjoy Coast Salish Territory. De Sonny Assu.

affiche sur un bâtiment de la rue Hastings Est à Vancouver. détournement d’une publicité de Coca-Cola, et affirmation sans équivoque faite par le peuple Squamish au sujet de son territoire ancestral.

de plus, la Missing Women Commission est en cours


2 réponses à “enjoy Coast Salish Territory”

  1. Hi there! I just came across your posting of my work! It was created in 2006 as a way to homage to the Coast Salish people, Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh for allowing us to in habit their unceded territory. The idea steamed from Vancouver being awarded the 2010 winter games, I wanted to remind people who’s territory this is, and to respect it.

    Sonny Assu

  2. Thanks Sonny Assu for the artwork. It has quite an impact for visitors. Thanks for informing me of other public art projects you are involved in.

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